Thursday, December 24, 2009

Many Rooms, Pt. 2....

Some books I may or may not have read: The Penal Colony by Kafka, The Chronicles of Narnia (all except the Silver Chair) by C.S. Lewis, The Inferno and The Purgartorio by Dante Alighieri, The New Kings of Non-Fiction with Foreword by Ira Glass, The Taming of A Shrew by William Shakespeare, The Glass Menagerie by Tennesse Williams, My Brother by Jamaica Kincaid, Hans Christian Andersen's Stories for the Young, The Fugitive and the Prisoner by Marcel Proust, An copy of the Vogue and Harper's Bazaar from the Month and Year I was Born (Feb. 1987) and My Freshman and Senior HS yearbooks....Some other stuff too but I just decided my fingers hurts...

Some pictures of my room: A significant portion of my vintage tee collection which I am currently attempting to rebuild to its former vintage Pepsi crate that is mounted on the wall and used as a jewelry display. Same goes for the stripped tree branch, riddled full of nails...Lastly are some books that I keep on my windowsill a.k.a. my bookcase, most are borrowed from my much more intelligent roommates....


  1. JESUS!! what an amazing tshirt collection!! If you ever decide to start selling any off please please let me know!!! xx molly

  2. Love tha t-shirt collection as well. So amazing. Wow. And you have beautiful jewelries too. :)

